Business to business telemarketing services may be the best marketing approach for your business. Work with the professionals to get a scientific approach to applying your best message to thousands of prospects that are targeted for your industry.
VoiceBroadcasting is becoming quite quickly a fixture in service organizations. This was mentioned in a survey by the Yankee Group in April of 1999 where the survey was conducted on 100 major corporations with a least one call center. Nearly 75% of companies have planned to commit to Web support in the ensuing future. These companies believe and have executed plans to converge technologies to increate interactivity such as chat, callback buttons, VoIP and others)
Voicebroadcasting Corp can assist in the b2b outbound telemarketing effort. Most, if not all of your outbound telemarketing needs can be effectively managed and supported.
Did you know that you can run calls yourself on the web? If you prefer, we can also control your calls for you. Either way we want to make sure your campaign is a success. We want to build a lasting business relationship with all of our clients, and we are committed to doing just that!