Outbound telemarketing sales are generated from the theory of tell enough people about what you do, and some will respond and have a need for you to apply your product and/or service.
Outbound telemarketing sales may be the most cost effective means of generating leads.
Be aware of the deal that is offered. Many companies are simply brokerage houses who resell a price per call approach. They may be buying the service for a penny or a fraction of a penny and sell it for a few pennies per call. It is similar to the brokerage firms that place stock orders for you. They really don't care if you make money or not. They simply charge you for the trade. If the market tumbles and millions of people attempt to bail out of their stock, the brokerage trading company rakes in the frenzy of fees to process the trades.
Your outbound telemarketing sales effort should incorporate a company who is tested and has been around for years. They should own their own equipment sparing you the costs of representing someone else. You don't need a middle man, you simply need a company who offers a full service program. Full service would incorporate as a minimum as the following:
Voice Broadcasting Corp has been generating millions of sales leads since 1987. Call Jeff Fournier, CEO of Voicebroadcasting.com today at 1-800-231-5629.
Did you know that you can run calls yourself on the web? If you prefer, we can also control your calls for you. Either way we want to make sure your campaign is a success. We want to build a lasting business relationship with all of our clients, and we are committed to doing just that!